A3Vitamin Retailer

A leading business magazine of dietary supplements and natural products, awarded Nature’s Plus with their prestigious VITY Award in 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006. The VITY Award is the most sought after award in the industry. Winners are selected by Vitamin Retailer’s readers, which include health food store owners and key natural products executives, to determine the best supplier merchandising support.


A2Whole Foods Magazine

Nature’s plus is the recipient of the 2011, 2010 and 2008 Whole Foods Magazine Natural Choice Awards. Whole Foods Magazine is a national monthly trade magazine targeted toward natural product retailers. Each year Whole Foods Magazine gives out its Natural Choice Awards to 15 products in various categories that their readers have voted on as best sellers.


A6American Culinary Institute Chef’s Best Award

Nature’s Plus was awarded ACI Chef’s Best Award for the years 2001, 2002 and 2003. Chef’s best is the independent judging organization dedicated to recognizing and honoring America’s best food and food related products. They use panels of expert professional chefs that have been sensory certified as “Master Tasters.”


A4Better Nutrition Magazine 

Nature’s Plus is the proud recipient of Better Nutrition’s 2011 and 2010 Best of Supplements Award. Better Nutrition magazine is a consumer publication that conducts extensive surveys and interviews with health food store retailers and holistically orientated physicians, naturopaths, herbalists, natural health experts, consumers and other practitioners in order to determine the recipient of the award. 


A5Kiwi Magazine 

Nature’s Plus was awarded the Kiwi Honorable Mention in 2012 and 2010 by Kiwi magazine. Kiwi magazine is a publication for parents that is geared toward a green and organic lifestyle. The award recipient is determined by the parents that vote on their favorite natural or organic vitamin and other supplements.